Category: News and Info

  • Six, one-half dozen

    The UK Mail Online reported that a British sniper killed SIX Taliban fighters with a SINGLE bullet as the ace marksman hit suicide bomber’s explosive vest from half a mile

  • Gun company displays largest-caliber rifle ever created with bullets that cost $40 a piece

    Wow…check out this recoil. Gun company displays largest-caliber rifle ever created with bullets that cost $40 a piece

  • Explosive Art

    Deborah Bay was in a store that sells building materials in her hometown of Houston, Texas, when she saw a display of bulletproof plexiglass. A few different types of ammunition were lodged in the hard plastic to demonstrate the strength of the product. Read more: Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

  • Fall Fashion

    Fall Fashions “It’s what I call anti-drone,” explains designer Adam Harvey. “That’s the sentiment. The material in the anti-drone clothing is made of silver, which is reflective to heat and makes the wearer invisible to thermal imaging.” The “anti-drone hoodie” was the central attraction of Harvey’s Stealth Wear exhibition, which opened in central London…

  • Buckle Up Kids

    This short video is provided to us, compliments of For those of you who want to know what really happened!

  • An interesting perspective

    This is a great article that provides a variety of perspectives on the arms debate. An excerpt… How does the US really compare on firearms? The world’s crime figures are collected by the UNODC through its annual crime survey. It has a special section of data on firearm homicides – and provides detailed information…

  • Gunsmoke's finished 20mm rifle

    Here’s the second part of the video after the build is complete…

  • Awesome 3-gun Video

    The following is a totally awesome video from a 3-gun match. Enjoy.

  • Awesome 20mm

    American Guns is one of our favorite shows.  The season you can still catch it on The Discovery Channel Network. This episode featured a piece on a 20mm sniper rifle. Pop quiz, who makes the sniper rifle that is show to the Gunsmoke team? For those of you needing some 20mm rounds, our great friends…